Bookish Smash or Pass Book Tag

I did not have the inclination to post a second review, or even my long overdue favourites list for the last six months of the last year, and then I remembered that the wonderful Jordyn @ Birdie’s Book Nook and Sahi @ My World of Books tagged me in this, so giving this a shot.

Bookish Tropes

Mostly a smash, let me explain. I would definitely pick a book if you told me certain tropes exist, but I would be equally fast to dump it if they’re not well done. With SFF, I love the chosen one and the magic school tropes, and bonus points for subversion. With romances, I can’t get enough of the fake dating and the enemies of lovers, if done in a convincing way, and I hate the miscommunication (there is no excuse, really), and the pregnancy tropes.

Alternating PoVs

A smash. I love seeing things in many perspectives, and the more the PoVs, the better. Of course, there’s a limit, don’t add too many that I can barely keep track of any, some PoVs can get more page time than others, and that works well for me. The last book I read that did this very well was THE JASMINE THRONE by Tasha Suri.

Ambiguous Endings

Smash. I don’t mind, not at all. I actually love them in books, but I absolutely do not tolerate it when an author lazily writes one of these to put off doing the work required to tie everything up together.

Non Fiction

Pass. A big pass.

Historical Setting

Smash, unless the setting is poorly researched. Well, unless it is poorly researched and I find out about it somehow.

Morally Grey Characters

Smash. I don’t want black and white characters anymore, I suppose the best part of modern fantasy is that everyone who has inner conflicts, or is morally grey is much more interesting because of this. They’re relatable, and I just don’t see myself getting impressed by anything else.

First Person PoV

Smash. It’s all good.


Pass. I can’t focus on audiobooks, and I’m lucky if I register anything but the first few sentences. I can listen to one for hours, and not be able to tell you one thing about it.


Smash, but for specific stuff only. Pride and Prejudice qualifies to be re-read everytime I get into a slump, and there are a few other titles that are on this list as well. But largely speaking, I have so many things I want to read that I almost cannot justify a re-read anymore.

Classic Novels

Smash, but need to be in the right mood for this. Some are easily read compared to others, and I have a few I protectively cling to, but I really, really need to be in the mood to read them. Unless, they’re Austen. Though I still have some unread Austens.


Smash for digital. It’s a lot of work to annotate a printed copy, but so convenient to do on my kindle! I annotate and highlight my favourite quotes, and even include some if they go with the flow for my reviews.

Cracking Book Spines

Smash, unless the it is a paperback and is floppy. But then I would say even cracked floppy paperbacks have character and have seen some love.


Pass only if it has nothing to do with the story being told.

Character Driven Books

SMAAAAASH. Enough said.

Past/Present Split Timeline

Smash. But if you are the kind of author who can convey what happened in the past without a split timeline, nothing like it.

Heavy Worldbuilding

Smash, unless there’s a lot of focus on the worldbuilding that other aspects, like editing, suffer. If you know, you know.

So there it is, the Bookish Smash or Pass book tag! What do you think? I’ve unfortunately lost track of who has done this, so I will tag Sanchary @ Budget Reader. If you haven’t done this yet but think this will be an interesting one, consider yourselves tagged by me and write down your answers on your blog, or any platform of your choice.

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